Today went by very quickly!
Period 1 the students went to the library. The man who teaches library asks the other teachers to sit in the class while he teaches. During this period the students went over plot once more and it was definitely more successful than the last time.
Period 2 was physical education for the students and the teacher's prep. During that time I graded fluency packets that were assigned to the students last week.
Period 3 was our math block. We worked on fractions. What is a half, what is less than a half, and what is more than a half. The students used fraction bars and their resources to participate in the lesson. At the end of the lesson each student had to come up to the board and put a fraction in the SMARTboard vortex lesson. If it was right then it went into the vortex but if it was wrong it would spiral out again. This vortex assessed if the students understand the concept we were teaching. Not only did they have to drag and drop the fraction but they also had to explain why it was right or wrong.
Period 4- Science with Mrs. Stern. Mrs. Stern went over the 5 Domains and stressed the acronym King Philip once more.
Period 5- P. I. Half of the group was assessed with DIBELS oral reading fluency while the rest of the class finished their Donavan's Word Jar story.
Period 6: Lunch/ Prep/ Graded DIBELS
Period 7: Our ELA time block. I continued to grade fluency packets, the students that needs to finish their social studies vocabulary test had the opportunity to do that during this time. When everyone was finished with their test, each student filled out a reflection of the week. What they learned that week, what they had trouble with, a new vocabulary word, and their favorite subject that week.
Period 8: The Heart lesson. The students were read a story about respect and were spoken to about the new bus rules. I did not get to stay for the entire lesson because there was a serious issue that unwrapped during lunch time that my teacher had to address.
Unfortunately there was a case of good touch and bad touch at lunch today. Four of our students were involved, therefore my cooperating teacher had to handle the situation. She pulled aside each student and spoke to them individually and then everyone together. I learned how to handle an uncomfortable situation such as that and the proper steps you need to take such as calling the students parents and having a meeting with the principal because according to PBIS that is a major offense.
Teacher tips:
1) Handle every situation that you come upon professional. Someone is always watching.
2) There are always two sides to a story. Please listen to both and try not to point fingers.
Our second dress down day will be tomorrow in honor of the Chinese New Year. Everyone will have the opportunity to wear red shirts for good luck :)
Quote of the day:
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence." ~ Helen Keller